Clean, Safe, Renewable + Healthy

care for the world & care for the future.

The next gen energy to leave more for our families.

Nature's Renewable Energy!

Power of Nature
Geothermal energy plants use 100% natural heat and its steam of the earth to make electricity for residential and commercial places. Kucuk Menderes Enerji A.S. started its investment in a Hybrid Power Plant which consists of geothermal, wind and sun energy. While geothermal will be the main plant sun and wind plants will be working as support systems.
Geothermal Energy
Sun Energy
Wind Energy
As Kucuk Menderes we would like to be the part of a better world where plentiful renewable energy supports healthier communities and creates shared prosperity.
To support its vision Kucuk Menderes stress its long-term commitment, proven expertise, entrepreneurial spirit, and innovative approach.
We will always continue to add value for our employees, our shareholders, our partners and our communities to deliver more sustainable world for future generations.

Enabling a sustainable future by using geothermal energy, the gift of the mother nature, as productive as possible.
DSI Women's Volleyball Team is now also Officially Sponsored by Kucuk Menderes Enerji A.S.
The younger minds are needed to be inspired so that they can bring a greater good to the world. !
Sustainable energy strategies typically involve three major technological changes: energy savings on the demand side, efficiency improvements in the energy production, and replacement of fossil fuels by various sources of renewable energy.
The Green, The Most Green House, Powered by Nature!
Geothermal Greenhouse Lets Us Grow Sustainable Crops In The Cold. As Kucuk Menderes A.S. we have set an 100% geothermal powered greenhouse that gives products year round.

Geothermal Energy Clean & Environment Friendly
Geothermal energy has the smallest land footprint of any comparable energy source in the world. Direct use applications and geothermal heat pumps have almost no negative effects on the environment. In fact, they can have a positive effect by reducing the use of energy sources that may have negative effects on the environment.

Geothermal energy as spotless as Wind.
Electrical power does not, by its nature, create pollution. Modern closed-loop geothermal power plants used to generate electrical power do not emit greenhouse gases. Additionally, they consume less water on average than most conventional power generation technologies.

Geothermal Harmless and Endless.
It is a renewable energy and will never deplete. Abundant geothermal energy will be available for as long as the Earth exists. Worldwide energy consumption is currently around 15 terawatts, which is far from the total potential energy available from geothermal sources. Can be produced consistently, running 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, regardless of weather conditions.
Sustainable energy is a must